Wednesday, September 01, 2004

My continuing political / humor blog ...

For those who might still be reading this blog, I am probably not posting anything more to it (I had accidentally done so in the last week or so).

Please check out my *other* blog, Cyberchuck @ Blogspot. I am probably going to be switching to a different blogging system soon to enable blog searches, more complex CSS feeds, and blog trackbacks.

Stay tuned ...

Political Commentary - The Grinch Revisited

Political Commentary - The Grinch Revisited: or, Dr. Seuss meets Fahrenheit 911

Monday, August 30, 2004

Democratic Action Center :: Majority Parties

Democratic Action Center :: Majority Parties

Welcome to the DCCC's Majority Party center! Thanks to the help of hundreds of grassroots volunteers, we've already won all three special elections this year and now only need a gain of 12 seats to win a Democratic majority in Congress.

We know that when grassroots volunteers take small actions for something they believe in, Democrats win. But we can only do it together.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

MP3 audio of Michael Moore in Boston

As recorded by Democracy Now, an audio recording of Michael Moore in Boston

This was recorded outside a hotel in Cambridge where he spoke inside and then came out to talk to people from the balcony of the hotel.

I had a small part in the speech (my yell wasn't recorded) but he acknolwedged my comment ("Cheney", about 5 minutes into to the speech, where he pointed to me and said "I'm just the warmup act ... you're on next").

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Backbone Campaign: pictures from the Jamaican People's Party

Backbone Campaign: pictures from the Jamaican People's Party

Great pix of the backbone going through the streets of Boston at this event.

Notice the large police presence ... absolutely peaceful demonstration, police were exceptionally courteous IMHO (In My Humble Opinion).

Monday, August 02, 2004

PDA - Progressive Democrats of America

PDA - Progressive Democrats of America: new organization begun during the DNC.

From the main page:

We invite all concerned Democrats, our Green friends, the many others rightly critical of the Party's current politics and policies, and Mr. Nader himself, to join the movement to reclaim the Democratic Party for the American people.

Friday, July 30, 2004

Final summary for today (DNC day 7.5)

For those of you reading this blog, please continue to check it out over the next few days, as I plan to add pictures to go with the stories. Also there have definitely been some spelling and grammatical errors that I may (or may not :-)) try to correct.

Feel free to send EMAIL to "" for further discussions, whatever they may be. I look forward to continuing the journey I started back almost a year ago with the INCREDIBLE Houston Kucitzen group (we love you all!)